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Re: air box failures?
Duck tape and 5 minute epoxy got me back on the road, but its
definitly not a permanent solution. Being near to the Exhaust that
black box must see a lot of thermal cycling stress. I had to use a
clamp to squeeze the main crack back toghether because it had warped
enough to separate 1/4 inch. Whether this was caused by thermal
stress or molded in stress in the plastic, Duck tape won't hold for
This whole debacle has got me thinking back to good ol heat
transfer class in school. The simple problems were the ones that
assumed a 'black body' because it would absorb 100% of the heat
radiated to it. Conversly a black body would emit 100% of its heat.
Although in practice there is no such thing as a black body I have
seen things that were difficult to cool and painting them black helped
noticeably. I wonder if the reverse would help some of you turbo guys
in your quest for lower intake temps. Would liberal application of
some metallic silver paint on the EM keep its heat in and on the air
box to reflect heat out make any noticable difference? Just some
questions to occupy my mind so I don't continually curse the guy at
Audi who put stressed, thin walled polycrapalite inches from the
hottest part of the engine.
Patrick Kelly
'87 5kSQ
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Subject: Re: air box failures?
Author: Non-HP-ksimp (ksimp@cgrams.com) at HP-ColSprings,mimegw3
Date: 4/7/98 2:49 PM
PATRICK_KELLY@HP-Andover-om3.om.hp.com wrote:
The airbox was cracked in multiple places,
Sounds like a job for DUCK tape!
87 5ktQuack
keith simpson
wolfeboro, nh