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Brake bleeder

Geo wrote: 

What is a good way to close off the clutch feed hole
on the side of the reservoir?

You don't have to do anything with it, assuming your's is a stickshift.
Automatics have this hole welded shut when the reservoir was molded.

Do you have to leave some air space on
top of the brake reservoir for compression (can't compress a fluid)?

No, just fill it up with fluid completely.

As I understand it with Audi's you start bleeding at the MC first, next
to the bleeder farthest away from the MC and move closer, no?

On continental cars: RR, LR, RF, LF.
On the right hand drive cars it is presumably opposite, if the MC has
been relocated to the RH side of the firewall.

Igor Kessel
'89 200TQ -- 18psi (TAP)
'98 A4TQ -- nothing to declare
Philadelphia, PA