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Northeast/New England listers going to Pike's Peak

Could all the people from New England/North East who are going to Pike's
Peak hillclimb please send an email with your status(ie definately going,
maybe, unsure but thinking about it) as well as your town/state.    A phone
number would also be helpful in the future.  I'd like to start figuring out
where meeting points for us will be, get a rough idea of numbers, so on etc.

I also maintain the Audifest mailing list, to which this message was
cross-posted. We coordinate meeting places, discuss what Audifest is like,
and get announcements from people like Ben Howell who are doing lots of
work organizing the Audifest '98 event.  It is an excellent idea to
subscribe to the list if you plan on going so that you hear about
room+board, tickets to the hillclimb, time+places to meet up with caravans
from various regions, and find roomates for stays overnight and/or at PP.

To sign up for the Audifest98 mailing list, send:
"subscribe audifest98 <your email here>" to:
Please note you must send the subscribe command from the same address you
are signing up for.  Ie, mail from brett@something.com cannot sign up
brett@nothing.com, for security reasons.
To post a message to audifest98, send the post to
Questions about the list should go to me, brett@arthur.malebolge.com

BTW, if there is some NE qlist that I don't know about, could someone who
belongs post it to that list?



Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.