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Re: Stone cold dead
>Is it a good idea to try and jump start it without a battery? I'm
>thinking you need a battery in there for the voltage regulator to work
The car will not run without a battery.
Alternator needs a field current from the battery to generate juice; I know
that in airplanes there is a field circut breaker for the alternator; I
don't remember cars having them(fuse/breaker for field current, that is.)
Also, if I remember the ignition stuff needs the battery to be there.
Did you clean/check the battery posts? I doubt it since there is no
voltage with no load.
I'd say your initial guess is probably right; dead battery, and yes, the
car's jealous.
Battery/Audi trivia:
did you know that 86 and up(maybe even the older ones, too) A/C head units
keep track of how many times you've had a "low battery condition"? Mine
said something like 150 when I checked it...weird!
Where is the car right now(ie, where does she work?)
Brett Dikeman
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Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.