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also noo wheels

Hi Y'all,

I went to pick up the wheels with Blizzaks that I also bought from the
previous "owner" of my "new" S5.  I bought them sight unseen for $600.  I
was thinking that this was probably pretty expensive but here are four
wheels that I know fit plus some still decent Blizzak snow tahrs.

Well...  The tires are Blizzaks - we represented.  Good condition with only
one winter on them.  Plenty of remaining tread.

The wheels blew my mind.  16 inch **three** spoke Borbets.  I'm seriously
considering whether I want to swap summer (six spoke stock) and winter wheels.

I think I fell into another one and came out smelling like a rose.

Anyone know anything about these wheels?  They aren't in the current Tire
Rack catalog.

*  Robert L. Myers    rmyers@inetone.net      Home 304-574-2372 *
*  Rt. 1, Box 57                         FAX/Modem 304-574-1166 *
*  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA            WV tag Q SHIP 2.2+ bar *
*  Obligatory quattro and sleddog-L references:                 *
*  My 3 Siberian Huskies enjoy riding in my '95 S6              *