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RE: turbo cooling line


Check with Graydon Stuckey <graydon@apollo.kettering.edu>.  He has had some
replacement hoises prepared which are suitable.  I have a pair on my '89
200tq.  They have the right fittings (actually two different sizes - one
for inlet, one for outlet - for the life of me I see no reason for our
dearly beloved Audi engineers to spec them like that) for attachment to the
turbo and hose clamps for the other ends.  The metal parts are not exactly
the same as the originals but the flexibility of the rubber hose
compensates nicely for that.  The cost if reasonable.

At 10:51 PM 4/10/98 -0700, you wrote:
>That's a great idea Mike, thanks for passing along your wisdom! ... I
>might have even thought about that myself when I got the old lines
>apart.  Although I have not confirmed it myself, I've heard from a
>couple of direct e-mails that the metal line is swaged under the
>permanent crimp ... so all I'll need to do is to replace the old hose
>and add a hose clamp.   $200 (Audi's cost for the replacement lines) can
>buy some awfully fancy short lengths of short hose ... :)
>Steve Buchholz
>San Jose, CA (USA)
>> ----------
>> steve a quick fix that i use when adapting lines is to wrap some
>> copper or
>> steel wire around the cleaned extremities of the insert tube. i then
>> braze
>> or solder these on. they act as a lip to stop the hose and clamp from
>> coming
>> off. i haven't lost a hose yet. if you are soldering, use a silver
>> based
>> solder (because of its mechanical strength), acid paste flux and a 40
>> watt
>> or larger iron. don't use a soldering gun. the flux residue washes off
>> with
>> boiling water.
*  Robert L. Myers    rmyers@inetone.net      Home 304-574-2372 *
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