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Re: "the secondary market" (mild rant, again...)
> If you'll recall some of my earlier rants on the list, it doesn't seem
>that we matter much. When you consider how poorly stocked most Audi
>dealership parts departments are, plus the prices they ask for the goods, the
>parts market seems to be treated as a necesary evil, not something they do
>because they want to. The U.S government mandates that parts be available for
>a certain amount of time, so they MUST have some parts.
I believe this legally mandated period is a whopping 10 years and I'm not
sure just how many parts it covers ... it also says nothing about parts prices.
> I just stopped by the dealership again Friday afternoon. Out of a list
>of about a dozen items (10v turbo engine stuff) they had exactly none. Zero.
>Zip. Nada. The big goose egg. No timing belt, no head gasket, no head
>bolts, no etc., etc. They did tell them could order the parts for me. Well,
>great move ExLax. I can do that from here in beautiful downtown Bucksnort
>without having to drive 73 miles one way to get to their place -- expecting to
>find parts for my car. Come to think of it, we've only been able to buy one
>Audi part from their stock-on-hand. They did make a key for us once. Out of
>more than a dozen trips.
I've given up dealing with my one-and-only local Audi dealer (in a
metropolitan area that has a population of nearly 2 million!!!) because they
have never, ever -- NOT EVEN ONCE! -- had a part I needed in stock. To pay
10-20% over MSRP for a part that isn't on the shelf is ridiculous ...
amazingly, I've found there ARE dealers around the country that maintain a
good stock of parts -- Carlsen Audi, for one -- and will cheerfully give a
substantial discount to good customers. Over the past three years, I've
purchased an average of $4,000 worth of genuine OEM parts for my and my
families cars ... not a lot compared to a shop but certainly enough to get
somebody's attention.
> These are my opinions in the matter. I don't think we get considered
>into the equation at all. We might later, but not now. Getting cars off the
>assembly lines and into the hands of as many willing owners as possible,
>that's the locomotive these days.
I share your opinions ... of course, I'm just an engineer/tax guy so what do
I know about marketing? There's bound to be another side to this story but
for the life of me, I can't see how Audi's approach makes sense in the long
run. Alienating existing/potential customers just doesn't strike me as a
particularly smart move...
_ _
/ | _| o | \ _| o Jeffrey Goggin
/__| | | / | | __ | | | | / | | audidudi@mindspring.com
/ | |_| \_| | |_/ |_| \_| | http://www.mindspring.com/~audidudi/