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MTM Parts

In regard to the following notes, the College Station business is 
called Evloution Tuning.  It is located at 4001 E. 29th St. in Bryan, 
TX 77802, phone: 409/691-2039.  When i talked with them a couple of 
years ago, they were very small and still oeprating in a business 
incubator location supported by College Station, which is contiguous 
with Bryan.  In the meantime, they have moved to an independent 
location.  Their plan was to offer Nothelle parts, and I believe they 
are the US distributors, although I may be mistaken in this 
understanding.  When I talked with the owner, we did not discuss 

Steve said:

I thought I remember hearing someone post that MTM was opening an 
office of its own in Texas somewhere ... College Station?

Steve Buchholz

The original question was:

> ----------
> > Does anyone know about a German tuning outfit called MTM?
> >  Do they have any sort of distribution network on this side of the
> >pond?  If so, how do I contact them?  Or do I have to deal with them
> >via *really* long distance?
> I believe MTM stands for Motoren Technik Meyer.
> My understanding is that Hoppen is the exclusive distributor for MTM
> products in the US. The MTM page lists the following:
> Hoppen Motorsport INC.
>  6245 Clark CenterAVe.Unit M
>  USA 34238 FL Sarasota
>  USA 
>  941-924-6380
> Here is a link to MTM German page
> http://home.t-online.de/home/MTM.motoren-technik/mtm.htm
> Some other Audi Tuners can be found via my web link page at
> http://www.teleport.com/~scottmo/webs.html#tunesite

Al Powell                        Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      