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Re: Back Seat Entry?
On Tue, 14 Apr 1998, Al Powell wrote:
> REALLY? ROTFL!! Maybe in most cars is's possible to "bust out
> the back seat", BUT I'd *almost* be willing to let a thief into the
> trunk of my 200 and see just how long it took him to bust through the
> solid sheet-metal bulkhead behind the rear seat back. If he had room
> to swing a 10-pound hammer and didn't mind making 100+ dB of noise
> and rocking the car like it was going down a flight of steps (a bit
> conspiculus, y'know) he might manage penetration in, say, 20 minutes
> of intense labor, roughly equivalent to chopping down a 16" diameter
> oak tree. Using any smaller tool, it could take an hour or
> more....with grit-teeth determination.
> It would be FUN to watch. Hell, after that much work, he'd have darn
> near earned it! I doubt any theives are quite that determined.
If a would-be thief wanted my 4kcsq and took the time to get in through
the trunk... getting through 16-gallon gas tank *and* the sheet metal
would be a sight to see. :)
No, my girlfriend's egdoD noeN has fold-downs, as well as our '91
Passat... so, the original point is well taken.
[PGP] finger mchang@ece.nwu.edu