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Re: non-uniform tire wear

What about the back tires, are they about the same?  Have you tried
rotating the tires?  If so, did the tire that moved to the right front
axle wear faster than the rest again?
Also maybe check the date codes on the tires; could the one that's
wearing faster be from a different batch?

"There are two major products to come out of Berkeley:  LSD and UNIX. 
We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
	-- Unknown

Zod wrote:
> Folks:
> I have a '95 90Q that runs pretty well.  But can anyone explain why a
> tire on the right side of my front axle would wear more than a tire on
> the left side?
> I noticed that the wear patterns of the two tires are fairly equal, but
> the amount of wear is quite different between the two sides (the right
> tire is spent, but the left still seems to have some life left in it).
> The car does not pull or drift, no wheel shimmy, and no accidents that I
> know of, and I bought the car new ...  I have mentioned the
> 'problem' to Audi and they are still thinking about an answer.
> Thanks for any suggestions,
> -Farzad.