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Re: Paint, paint, and more paint

The clear coat on the top of my old dark blue 81 4k 5+5 started to craze and
peel. I wet sanded it down using a DA with 400 grit, hit it with some 600
grit, and then used an orbital polisher with increasingly fine grit rubbing
compund to put the shine back on. I won't say it turned out show room
quality, but it certainly looked a lot better than when I started. Trying to
get into the gutter rails is a PITA. It took about 6 hrs to do.

mike miller
91 200q

-----Original Message-----
From: Lewis, Gary M <Gary.Lewis@West.Boeing.com>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>;
'ken.keith@specialdevices.com' <ken.keith@specialdevices.com>
Date: Thursday, April 16, 1998 1:57 PM
Subject: RE: Paint, paint, and more paint

>> Thursday, April 16, 1998 12:54 PM, Ken said,
> >or even try colorsanding and
> >buffing it.
> Anybody try this on an Audi clear-coat?  I'm real close to
>giving it a try.
> Any BTDT's??
> Thanks,
>> **********************************************************************
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>> Gary M. Lewis
>> 1986 5000   CS Turbo 5 Speed   194,000 miles (and counting...)
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