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Re: WTB: black injector cooling shroud for '875k Tq
At 12:42 PM 4/19/98 MDT, you wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Just as the sub. line indicates, I'm hoping that
>someone might just have one laying around for
>purchase. Part # 035 133 905 J It's the cheap
>as $57t black plastic injector cooling shroud that
>directs the cooled air onto the injectors. Audi wants
>big $$ for this piece. Better yet, anyone know of an
>aluminum replacement for this piece? TIA,
>Chad Clark '87 5k Tq-motor going back in on Tuesday!
>Colorado Springs, CO
Replaced mine about 3 months and yes they're damn expensive-like $80 from
Linda with qlist discount. I mounted it with rubber grommets at all four
corners and kept the torque low on the mounting screws to prevent cracking.
Tony Lum (tlum@flash.net) 1987 5000CS Turbo Quattro
Berkeley, California, USA 1985 4000CS Quattro
Audi Owner/Driver/Mechanic by Necessity ;^) 1980 5000S Sedan