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No more oil on Air Filter !!!

Well I have been doing my general repair & snooping around on my 87 5KQ.
As reported on 3/1/98 when I took off my air filter (after much pain) it was
soaked with oil.
Now today I decided to peak again & to my surprise... no oil !!!  Now the
only thing I did was change oil & filter (used Castrol GTX 20-50w). I also
reported adding Excel oil fortifier.  The Excel must have freed up the oil
rings & stopped the blow by.  I had it do that in an old Chev. truck that
always had oil in the filter compartment.  We treated the engine with Excel
& the air filter housing was dry...

I also found the large hose clamp loose that fits the Air Cleaner Housing &
the Air Duct assembly.
Would this being loose effect the running & if so, what?
Many thanks,