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Re: AP 6 Pot Brakes

I've heard that AP's calipers are not so hot for street use.  The problem
is that they have little resistence to normal street grim and are designed
to be frequently rebuilt... An expensive proposition for everyday use.  A
lot of people seem to use Porsche's big red calipers, which, presumably,
are designed for street use.

I do agree, however, that the AP's are gourgeous, and I would love to have
a pair on my car...

'90 CQ

On Sun, 19 Apr 1998, Graydon D. Stuckey wrote:

> On Sun, 19 Apr 1998, Paul E. Rivera wrote:
> > Visited the AP Racing site:http://www.apracing.com and found the 6 Pot
> > setup for 94-97 A6/A6S, I guess that means for the S4 as well.
> > Anyone on the list tried this set up?
> Hey, I saw a Dodge Stratus the other day with 15" rotors and _TWO_ AP 4-pot 
> calipers on each rotor!   It also had 19" wheels!
> Alright, it was David Donahue's touring car, but still, it was 
> impressive!  I'd like a set of those on my 5KCSTQ.  All it takes is 
> money.
> Later,
> Graydon D. Stuckey
> "Drive fast, take chances"  -  Brian Vinson
> "...and blow the bystanders off the road"  -  John Corbs.
> :-)