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Re: AP 6 Pot Brakes

Chris Maresca <ckm@eainet.com> wrote:
> I've heard that AP's calipers are not so hot for street use.  The problem
> is that they have little resistence to normal street grim and are designed
> to be frequently rebuilt... An expensive proposition for everyday use.  A
> lot of people seem to use Porsche's big red calipers, which, presumably,
> are designed for street use.
> I do agree, however, that the AP's are gourgeous, and I would love to have
> a pair on my car...

I've heard that about the AP stuff.  I've heard about the Porsche brake 
upgrade  as well.  As usual, I'm gonna ask for more details about 

Which brakes are these?  Are they a bolt on?  What mods are necessary to 
get them to work?  Who has them, and on what car?  Is this better (I would 
imagine) than a G60 upgrade?  (this is related to a 4ksq or Coupe GT)

