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Re: Weight a minute
At 06:44 PM 4/19/98 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 98-04-10 11:02:03 EDT, you write:
>>I thought the 325IX was a great car (drove it when we shopped
> >for a small AWD sedan...bought the 90q). It had much better power than the
> >Audi, better brakes too. But it was lacking in so many areas...fit and
> >finish/build quality being a big one. Who wants a fast car that's poorly
> >built, made of cheap materials, and falls apart. >>
>Amazingly, if you shop for a 325IX you pay 91 200tqw prices. Somewhere
the 90
>lost value, "a big one". How? "Cheap" got redefined some, don't cha think?
Never factored snob appeal and the "U-A" fiasco into the equation. Add
those factors and there's your equalization. Many people like BMWs just
for their status. The 90q competing against a 325IX just happened to fall
in the 1988-1994 U-A aftermath. Deflated values sometimes take more than
10 years to rebound (and it won't rebound on the 10 year old car...seems
like it takes a star product to win the masses back). Scott, you're
preaching to the wrong choir here...many listers *like* the fact they can
buy a quality 10 year old car that originally was in the $30K range for
less than $5K.
Josh Pinkert
'98 A4q 2.8
'72 911T