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Mt. Washington & Audifest 98 long

To:   (edit message for full list)

Orignally posted To:   audifest98

Good Day Folks,
      I would like to remind folks that most of the info for registration
and so forth can be found on the www at:
http://www.borg.com/~neq/hill98.htm#NEQ Corral 98
     I will spare you the hype about what an exciting event the Hillclimb
itself is, but rest assured it should be even better than last year.  I
have recently been in touch with Paul Giblin of the Mt. Washington Auto
Road and he has informed me that they are limiting entries for the first
time and that while he expects most entries to qualify he feels that this
has become necessary due to the increased popularity and more competitive
nature of the event. Unfortunately, some of the folks who ran last year may
not be able to run under the new rules.
     The NorthEast Quattro Club is dressing things up a little as well with
help from our Official Sponsor, Wetterauer America, and we are pleased that
they will be able to help us
financially with the club's obligations.
     This year, the NEQ will not only have the same beautiful space we had
last year at the base of the mountain but we are also going to have two
tents errected for the convenience of our guests.  Under one tent will be
Wetterauer America and they are also hoping to bring at least one of their
cars and are hoping to be able to do demonstrations and possibly chip
installations on the spot.  These plans are not firmed up yet for
Wetterauer but I'll be sure and keep you posted.  In any case, I'm sure
that you will enjoy meeting Steve Pitts and Ricardo David who _are_
Wetterauer America and the US arm of Wetterauer  Kraftfahrzeugtechnik.
Frank Wetterauer himself may also be in attendance.
     I'll also have the pleasure of giving away some hats and shirts
provided by Mintex in cooperation with Camra Motorsports.
     There will also be a larger tent which will serve as a shady home spot
for all corral participants to collect and enjoy either a cold beverage out
of the hot sun or respite from the
rain in either case.
     The T-shirts for this year's event will again be designed by our own
Thompson Smith who does outstanding work for all our event shirts.  I have
talked to him about this years design and I think people are going to be
thrilled.  I can assure you that it will be unique and I'm planning to get
several for  myself.  I'll let you know when the design is finalized.
     Audi will again be the title sponsor for the race.
     The NEQ is still planning on getting together at the Thompson House
eatery in Jackson, which is a beautiful little town not far from the base
of the mountain.
     There is no need for you to be a member of our club to participate in
our Audi / Quattro Corral. However you must register your Audi or Audi
Quattro by May 22, 1998 in order to be
included in the Audi / Quattro Corral for all three days of the event.
Unfortunately, the extra planning that is going into this year's event
precludes me from extending the registration period beyond this date as I
was able to do last  year.  So PLEASE get your checks to me as soon as you
know your plans.  I am also doing a mailing this year prior to the event,
and this will give me
time to get it together.
There are two Registration Options;
#1 For $20 you will receive a long sleeve T-shirt in your size with a
terrific and unique design by Illustrator Thompson Smith  and official Mt.
Washington Event graphics. Please order extras at only $18 as we cannot
guarantee the availability of extras at the event.
#2 for $10 no T-shirt.
With either registration you will be given a wristband ID, that must be
worn (at all times), which will allow you admittance into the NEQ Audi /
Quattro Corral, Saturday Morning Breakfast and Thompson  House Eatery
Discount .
(Mt. Washington folks are looking forward to having us again, but the
wristband thing has got to happen so please don't  lose it or take it

Here's most of everthing else you'll be needing and I promise to follow up
with more precise schedules and information soon
Looking forward to seeing you....Paul Royal
                              NEQ MW '98 Eventmaster
                              Please do not hesitate to call or write with

NEQ Corral Schedule & Information
Audi - Mt. Washington Hillclimb
June 26th at 6PM ? 8PM: Cruise Night & Corral on the Gorham NH Commons
(Registration for the NEQ Corral, Wristband ID and T-shirt pickup)
June 27th at 8AM to 10AM: NEQ Corral Pre-Registered Buffet Breakfast at the
 Thompson House Eatery in Jackson NH
(Registration for the NEQ Corral, Wristband ID and T-shirt pickup)
June 27th Noon to 5PM: NEQ Corral at the Mt. Washington Auto Road
June 28th at 10AM: The Mt. Washington Hillclimb "Climb to the Clouds"

Race Day Ticket Information (purchased from Mt. Washington)
Viewing from the Base/Start area (all day) $2.00/adult (Free for kids 12
and under) Shuttle rides to ? way spectator area
- 8AM & 12:30PM (above tree-line) - $13.00(adults) & $8.00 (kids) Prior to
the start of the race, leaving between 7-9AM, 100
cars/trucks can go up to the summit for $15.00 car & driver and $6.00 per
passenger (prices as of 2/23/98).

Coordinators of Mt. Washington Worker Volunteers
 Paul Royal, Eventmaster for the NEQ Corral and NEQ related events at Mt.
Washington.  Paul_Royal@IDX.COM
Paul Giblin - Event Director - Phone: 603-466-2333 Fax: 603-466-3328
E-mail: greatgln@mt-washington.com
Maryanne Rhodes - Chief of Workers -Phone: 508-256-7285 E-mail
Ian MacLennan-Chief of Communications (Ham Radio): 617-449-1227
If you are intending to volunteer to work please contact the above
coordinators before the event.
For more information contact the Mt. Washington Auto Road, PO Box 278,
Gorham, NH 03581.
03) 466-3988 and on the web at http://www.mt.washington.com
This is the official registration form for participating in the Audi /
Corral to be held on the main staging field at Mt. Washington. You do not
to be a member of the QClub USA or the NEQ to register for this event. Only
Audis and Audi Quattros are qualified to register. The registration fee is
non-refundable and must be received by May 22, 1998. Upon receipt of your
completed registration form and payment
ou will receive our complete event schedule and information on where to
pick up your wristband ID and T-shirt/s
if ordered and as described in this flyer). This will give you admittance
to NEQ Corral activities on Friday/Saturday & Sunday.
The registration fee is $20 for T-Shirt & ID or just $10 for an ID (which
you must have with you at all times for admittance to the Corral).
Registration Form
Full Name:____________________________Make: ______________
City:__________________________________Color: _____________
State:_____ ZIP:________QClub USA Membership #:____________
Phone #s (H/W):_______________________Fax:________________
E-mail Address:__________________________
Registration Option #1
T-shirt S / M / L / Xtr-L = $_20.00_(Circle Size)
Additional TsS / M / L / Xtr-L ___ X $18 = $______ (Circle Size)
Total Enclosed = $_______
Registration  Option #2
No T-shirt = $_10.00_(Circle if this is your registration choice)
Please indicate how many Adults:______ Children (12 and under):______ are
planning to attend the Saturday Morning Buffet Breakfast at the Thompson
Eatery in Jackson NH.
Friday and Saturday are practice days for the Hillclimb which starts on
morning. Please let us know on what days you will be attending the Corral:
Friday________, Saturday________, Sunday________.
Volunteers are needed to help with the Corral. Please let us know if you
willing to help out. (The Club and Mt. Washington do not assume any
responsibility for your car and there will be a waiver of liability form at
event that you must sign).
Please send your registration to:
Paul Royal, Apt. T-3,
71 High St.,
Exeter, NH 03833-2929
by May 22, 1998 and make your checks payable to the
NEQ Audi Quattro Club USA .

For Registration Questions contact:
Paul Royal Eventmaster for the NEQ Corral and NEQ related events at Mt.
Paul_Royal@IDX.COM , Phone: 603-772-7356 evenings before 10:00PM Eastern
For Accommodations Information contact: Chris Miller: C1J1Miller@aol.com