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Radiator Coming Out

Al asked:

My problems/questions:

1)  Is there any way to separate the AC condenser mounted on the 
radiator's front from that radiator, or must I remove both?
Separate them by undoing two 10mm bolts on top. The bottom of the rad
dove tails into the condenser.

#2 follows from #1 - 

2)  If I can separate the two, can I also pull the radiator without 
breaking the AC line connection?

3)  Do I have to take that AC connection apart ANYway?????
Absolutely not.

I think I know the answers - (no) (no) and (yes), but I want to hear 
from someone who has BTDT before I proceed and spend the $100 for a
Yes, I've done it many times, it usualy less than 10 minutes.
Oh, the fan and the shroud_stay_on the radiator and come out as one
Igor Kessel
'89 200TQ -- 18psi (TAP)
'98 A4TQ -- nothing to declare
Philadelphia, PA