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Re: Misquoting the spiderman (generation 1 spider bite)

Dave Eaton writes:
"and the same people cannot tell me how to re-create this effect on either
of my cars.  it sure is mysterious.."

Ahhh, I was waiting for the world famous ostrich argument - as in head in
the sand.  I haven't seen it, hasn't happened to me, I can't reproduce it
easily therefore it must be untrue or "mysterious."  This usually occurs
after coming out on the short end of the substantive discussions.

If you recall, this round of the torsen debate began with my post which
stated:  "As one who has been bitten, I offer the February 1998 Performance
Car (p.
50) as another possible reporting of the torsen bite.  In a comparison
between a fwd A6 and an A6q for 0-30mph acceleration on simulated ice the
article says  "By contrast, the quattro dragged itself up to 30 mph with
ease.  There were some unusual sensations as the drivetrain juggled the
torque, favouring the front and rear wheels in turn..."

It seems to me that if this happens in a straight line, there is no reason
it couldn't happen during a turn thereby causing US, OS, and US.  I think
Scott was claiming that lower cf really brings out the bite.  I'll leave it
to the more technically inclined to explain the cause/physics."

Since apparently the technical proof that the bite "can happen" isn't
enough - why won't you accept the words from a European car mag testing a
spanking new A6.  They put that car on a completely wet surface (see
pictures in mag) and accelerated - result was torsen hunt.  This is no
different than laying into a wet exit ramp, etc. during a turn.  IMO, Scott
has pretty clearly established this.  Are you absolutely unable to admit
that there may be any flaws or compromises in an Audi?

Matt Pfeffer - 89 200TQW - bitten;  former owner of 87 5ktq - never bitten.