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Re: Fwd: Is it me or the dealer?
Sandy Duffy wrote:
> I think that a letter to Fathers & Sons might yield the $25.00 maybe
> but to accuse them of poor customer service is a little over the top.
I took this story as saying that the poor customer service occurred when
F&S was called about the issue, and they essentially said "sorry" and
"tough sh*t"... no we won't give you the $25... even for goodwill and
for the price of our learning a lesson. We will take your experience and
learn from it at your expense. Try to have a nice day."
IMHO, the dealership put the d*mn plate on it, which had their name on
it most likely in big letters... and that's why it was oversized,
thereby covering the state name. Most customers don't REQUEST one of
these d*mn plates, nor the stupid dealership name/logo/decal (or worse
yet, plastic "drilled-through-the-sheetmetal" badging!!) plastered on
the trunklid. IMHO, the dealership created the problem, so they should,
if for no other reason than goodwill and great customer service, pay the
good man the $25.
Hmm... just think how favorable that dealership would look if they just
paid the $25!! Yeah, real smart business move on their part... the $25
they saved just cost them BIG TIME!! How many listers are listening? How
many local friends will he tell that story to, at BBQs, office parties,
etc?? :-)
BTW, I once contacted this dealership regarding one of their vehicles
listed on their web site. It was a '92 100 quattro with the V-6 and
5-speed. The price was obnoxiously high, IMHO, (something like $27k!!).
They defended the price because the car was "rare". BFD... I could get
an S4 or S6 for that money!! (I know that's not a customer service
issue... but it is my own BTDT with them.)
Okay... I'm stepping down from the soapbox. Who's next? :-)
Jim Griffin
ICQ # 1315286
'92 Audi 100S - '87 VW Quantum Syncro
"Perception is often stronger than reality!"