<< Definitely going for the IC and intake plumbing.>>
Don't do this! There is definitely a difference between '84 and '87 intake
stuff. The '84 has the air temp sensor in the intake, the '87 has it in the
intercooler. The hose between the ic and intake is also different for these
two years.
Marty Liggins
Imperial Potentate, Bucksnort Quattro Club (Un-Inc.)
Further information to think about. Marty is correct. Some of the earlier
turbo IM's have the intake air temp sensor mounting point right after the
throttle body. IMO, this is the preferred setup, as you then can upgrade
the IC and not have to find a new home for your temp sensor.
As for the IC's themselves, as Scott M posted up recently, there are stock
IC's which have two ports and a temp sensor mounting point, and others
that have three ports (in from turbo, out to throttle body, and a smaller out
to the IM) and don't have the temp sensor mounting point. There may also
be a three port IC with a temp sensor mounting point, but I haven't seen
one yet. Some have speculated that the trick setup here would be to use
a three outlet IC and install the turbo bypass valve to the third port... again
not something I've tried yet.
The one item with which Marty is partially correct, concerns the differences
with the Michelin hoses. The difference lies with the throttle bodies. The
throttle bodies installed on the earlier IM (84-85??) had a ROUND throat. The
ones from my '86 IM's has the TEARDROP shaped throat. Again, IMO and
without serious examination of other differences between the two throttle
bodies, the earlier style with the round throat would be the preferred choice.
Why? Because then you are wide open to other aftermarket choices for
hoses to replace the notorious Michelin man hose, and not have to adapt to
a teardrop shaped throat. Not a big difference, but worthy none the less...
So if you wanted, you could put together an intake tract to match your needs.
A three port stock IC with a bypass valve, or a nice aftermarket one-pass IC,
SAMCO or other IC hoses, to a round throat throttle body, to an earlier style
IM with the temp sensor mounting point...
Anyone aware of flow or other performance affecting differences between the
two different throttle bodies or IM's???
My .02, and as always, YMMV!