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EM compatibility, IC INcompatibility

<<Are the EMs on the '84 turbos (KH engine, I think) the same as on the '87
MC engines?  >>
I've just used a manifold from an '85, which is a 2.1 liter same as 1984.
There was no discernable difference between it and the '87 em.

<<Looks like I can pull one from the local p-n-p yard for cheap.>>
Look VERY carefully to make sure it isn't cracked.  I thought I had two
spares, but both had very small fractures.

<< Definitely going for the IC and intake plumbing.>>
Don't do this!  There is definitely a difference between '84 and '87 intake
stuff.  The '84 has the air temp sensor in the intake, the '87 has it in the
intercooler.  The hose between the ic and intake is also different for these
two years.

     Marty Liggins
     Imperial Potentate, Bucksnort Quattro Club (Un-Inc.)

