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Body changes between 200 (C3), V8 (C3) and early new-gen 100 (C4)...


This along the lines of my idea of changing the hood/fenders/bumper
covers of my 200 for those of a V8 (C3, type-44). I understand now
that the V8 hood was used in the post type-44 100 model, the C4.
I also think that the bumper covers of the C4 100 are that from the
V8, but am not sure. Did the C3 just get a face lift to form the C4?
The new questions are:

	1. can the C4 front and rear bumper covers simply bolt onto
	   the C3 200?
	2. will the hood do the same?
	3. I also understand I will need to replace the radiator
	   support to that of the V8. Also the headlights and
	   turn signals. Does the V8 have longer turn signal lenses
	   than the 200? The radiator support is the bodywork running
	   across the top of the front of the engine bay, this is
	   bolted on, so I suppose the V8 piece will bolt on in its
	   place, right?
	4. on the rear of the 1990 200 the tailpipes exit through a
	   cut-out in the bodywork below the bumper cover. I think on
	   the V8 the bumper cover has a cutout to accommodate the tail
	   pipes. If the V8/C4 bumper cover bolts right onto the 200 C3
	   then will it obstruct the tailpipe exit cut-out of the
	   bodywork or were the exit points the same between the 200 and
	   the V8 or C4 100?
	5. If I roll the rear arches and fit the rear bumper cover of
	   the V8 or C4 100 that is curved at its edge to meet the
	   flare of the V8/C4-100 wheel arch, will I need to flare the
	   bodywork behind the wheel, below  the line of the bumper
	   cover of the 200 as well?

I'd also like to know if there is anyone on the list who does body
work or repairs to the type-44 200, V8 and the early C4 100 cars from
1991/1992. That way I can deal with someone who would know more about
the body differences between the cars and what will work and what will
not. :)


"a thousand miles from here, there is another person smiling"
1990 Turbo (200t, MAC13A ECU, 1.4-1.6 bar (1.8 bar with faulty WGFV!),
FWD auto)
name   : gerard van vught
tel    : +27-21-696 0331 (h) / 082 923 9609 (cell)
url    : http://www.poboxes.com/gerard/
e-mail : gerard@poboxes.com  / han.solo@galaxycorp.com