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Re: Dumping BMW's
Phil writes:<<
"It's a borderline decision, and depends very much on your own priorities
and the state of the individual cars - but I'd have been tempted to
keep the 635csi and dump the M3. A matter of "class" (which I think
the 635csi has in abundance) versus what the M3 has.">>
Adwo Heintjes writes:
<<I can't resist as a former E30 M3 owner: you got to be kidding to want an
635 Csi over an E30 M3. Which of the two has a racing pedigree and was the
most succesfull touring race car ever? Right! The E30 M3 has this beautiful
balanced, hard core race style written all over it, it even performs as it
looks! Also just a little bit faster than the 635 Csi. And much more
exclusive (17184 units from 1986 to 1990, including 786 cabriolets, 500 Evo
1, 505 Evo 2 and 600 Sport Evo, 450 Cecotto, 150 Europameister, 25
Ravaglia's and 350 racecars) Ok, enough for now!>>
Adwo: Can't say I disagree strongly with you, but frankly I'd probably
agree with Phil and keep the CSi for "class" reasons as well. More
"sophisticated tourer" versus "boy racer". Were I going club racing
or autocrossing, the advantage shifts clearly to the M3. Suffice it to
say that if choosing between the two is "rayk's" biggest problem, he's
living "right"!
<<(short time lurker, I'm in the process of buying an Urq)>>
Definitely agree here.... in my book, the UrQ ranks above the
CSi and the M3 for a lot of reasons, "class" included. Bet
Phil would agree as well.
Bill Elliott
Lake Mills, WI
85 UrQ... usually the wrong weather for either M3 or CSi