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Attended Swap Meet in WI
Being new to WI, I was curious about the "Little Carlisle" in Jefferson, a town
of about 5000, less than 10 miles from home. Reputed to be the biggest swap
meet in the region.
Was it ever! I spent 8 hours there on the move, hit only about 80% of the
vendors and none of the car corral.
I saw: one VW vendor and two guys with assorted used MG parts. 8 hours, and
EVERYTHING else was GM, Ford, AMC, and Mopar! (Including only 3 guys with
Corvair parts!)... No wonder my cars are considered "exotic" out here.
Anyway, had a great time, bought ice skates, fencing equipment (foil, saber,
etc...), and a 1951 garden tiller... what a haul for a swap meet! (Okay, also
found a 1985 Audi sales brochure... UrQ looks like AudiDudi's... and got leads
on a restored MGC and a project 24k-mile Corvair Corsa Turbo)
....If you have an appreciation for American iron, this is definitely a "don't
miss" if you're in the Midwest! Any Midwest "import" swap meets/shows anyone
could recommend? Carlisle's a long drive!
Bill Elliott
Lake Mills, WI
Mysterious Audi, SAAB, Triumph, Mercedes, and Corvair "exotic" vehicles