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RE: Audi Speedometer

> 	My daugter recently purchased an Audi 200 Sedan with a
> non-functioning
> 	speedometer and odometer. Being familiar with primarily american
> autos I
> 	assumed the odometer was mechanical in nature and needed a drive
> cable
> 	replaced. I was really surprised when she told me the speedo and odo
> sometimes
> 	works. 34 miles out of the last 200.
> 	After seeing your post, I wonder if this vehicle has an electronic
> speedometer
> 	and if this is "simple" electronics issue. If it is electronic, can
> you tell
> 	me where the controller is located.
The US model 200s ('89-'91) have a mechanical speedometer and odometer, but
the signal is sent from the transmission to the instrument cluster
electronically.  There have been quite a few folks that have experienced
grounding problems from the speedometer to the instrument cluster's flexible
printed circuit board.  Perhaps the easiest fix is to solder a discrete wire
to the ground on the speedo and install a lug on the other end of the wire
that can be attached to a grounded screw.  

I had another situation on an '87 5000 CS Quattro where the sending unit on
the transmission got gummed up from Pentosin (Audi's Power Steering/Brake
fluid) and snapped internally.  It is fairly easy to remove the unit from
the tranny to test.  The test procedure is described in the Bentley manual.

> 	On another note, I am unable to locate an aftermarket repair manual
> for the
> 	100 or 200 models. Are these cars similar enough to the 5000 to
> warrant
> 	purchasing that manual instead?
The Bentley 200 service manual is available from a number of sources.  It is
quite expensive, so it might be worthwhile getting the 5000 manual if you
can get it for a good price.  I think that there are quite a few small
differences between the 5000 and the 200 ... you might regret not having the
real manual for the car ...

HTH and good luck!
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)