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RE: Audi Speedometer

My 1983 Audi 100 Avant had a mechanical speedo whereas my 1989 Audi 100
Avant has an electronic one.  I think in the UK they changed in 1988 or
1989.  I have no idea in what year they changed over in the US.

I am not the best person to ask about 100/5000 similarities.  In the UK,
we never had the 4000 and 5000 names, just 80 (and 90) and 100.
Providing you buy a manual which covers the engine, bodyshape and the
correct year, you should be OK.


> ----------
> From: 	DDDservice[SMTP:DDDservice@aol.com]
> Sent: 	26 April 1998 18:09
> To: 	Paul.Heneghan@BBC.co.uk
> Subject: 	Audi Speedometer
> Paul,
> I saw a post in an Audi bulletin board archive from you and was
> wondering if
> you could help me out?
> My daugter recently purchased an Audi 200 Sedan with a non-functioning
> speedometer and odometer. Being familiar with primarily american autos
> I
> assumed the odometer was mechanical in nature and needed a drive cable
> replaced. I was really surprised when she told me the speedo and odo
> sometimes
> works. 34 miles out of the last 200.
> After seeing your post, I wonder if this vehicle has an electronic
> speedometer
> and if this is "simple" electronics issue. If it is electronic, can
> you tell
> me where the controller is located.
> On another note, I am unable to locate an aftermarket repair manual
> for the
> 100 or 200 models. Are these cars similar enough to the 5000 to
> warrant
> purchasing that manual instead?
> Thank You very much,
> Glenn Brooke (dddservice@aol.com)
> Colorado Springs CO. USA
