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Braided oil cooler lines
In message <"980428191219Z.WT24946. 0*/PN=William.Elliott/O=LNGW/PRMD=MEI/ADMD=ATTMAIL/C=US/"@MHS> William Elliott writes:
> At 14:37 25.04.98 GMT, Phil Payne wrote:
> >> I blew the stainless braided oil cooler hos in my 87 5KCSTQ. Apart from
> >> the dealer, does anyone have any ideas?
> >I had this discussion with a UK MB owner only an hour ago. He's bought
> >stainless lines that are badly made and don't fit.
> >Since every case of oil cooler line failure that I've ever heard of
> >has been from the _inside_ - why stainless?
> Just a guess: Braided oil cooler lines fail only from the inside _because_ they
> are stainless? Non-stainless lines would be more prone to other
> types of failure?
No - non-stainless (stock) pipes always seem to fail from the inside.
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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