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Re: 1997 A4t Throttle Response
> I am the proud owner for about 4 weeks now of a 1997 A4t with about 12k
> miles. It is a 5speed automatic, and I have noticed several instances
> where I am staring from a dead or near dead stop and giving the car
> substantial throttle (1/2 to 2/3) and the car refuses to move almost
> completely. It was so dramatic that cars behind me would actually honk
> because they thought I was being an ass. I brought it to the dealership
> and they informed me that there was a service bulletin which would
> advise them how to correct the problem. They called it a "throtle valve
> modification." It did, for the most part, correct the problem.
I don't believe them... I heard from reputable sources that it's an
ECU problem - it usually happens while warming up. Diagnosis is
to connect a scan tool and look at the ignition retard. Fix is
a new ECU.
> However, there are instances when I start from a stop or near stop and
> give the car 1/2+ throttle and it seems to heasitate, albeit not as
> dramatically as before. Tomorrow, I install my TAP computer and air
> filter, so I am hoping the new computer will fix this annoyance. Has
> anyone else had the same problem, and if so, how did you fix it?
It that's an exchange computer, it may well fix the problem.
I'm testing a 'computer known to have this problem' in my
97 A4 1.8TQ AT at the moment. It has this problem almost every time
about half a mile from work... stop at the lights, won't go...
Best bet is to take it out of gear, give it some revs then
put it back in drive.
I saw this problem about twice in 9k miles with the original ECU.