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Re: Dead V8Q

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 10:46:28 GMT
quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk (Phil Payne) wrote:
There is a constant current drain from the battery of 410mA - I've
pulled every fuse I can find and disconnected most of the connectors
I can find to no avail. 
The trunk light stays on with the lid closed. BTDT on two cars. Pull the
bulb and check the current draw again.

Also check any interior lights in about 5min _after_ you close the last
door. The V8/200 have an interior dimmer delay circuit set to about
2min. I did not like the idea of leaving the car with the interior
lights on (coz you never know if it's the delay circuit that is keeping
the interior illuminated or the wife forgot to return the lights to the
off position after retouching her make-up), so I opened the control
unit, found the relevant RC circuit and changed the Tau to about 2sec.

The currunt through a single 5w illumination bulb is about 400ma. This
current value hints that you should look for a bulb that stays on after
you park the car overnight. 

Igor Kessel
'89 200TQ -- 18psi (TAP)
'98 A4TQ -- nothing to declare
Philadelphia, PA