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Re: Fool Filtering

>Noted that the threads on the new and old filters wer a match, 
>but the new filter came with a brass fitting on the inlet side, 
>which seemed to have no other purpose than a 1" extension.  My 
>hoses fit best without it, so I removed it - no leaks after 
>firing up, so all seems well.
>New part number:
>893 133 511  (seemed encouraging...)

That's the same P/N my car uses. I replaced my filter last year 
before the PP trip, and it also came with the strange brass 
extension. I left it on, and everything seems fine. Ed Kellock 
replaced his about the same time on his '91 200QW, and he 
took the brass thing off, because it looked like a restrictor.

I don't think either of us have had any related problems since, 
and I know we've both tested the upper end of the fuel flow.  ;^)
Can anyone explain what this brass thingie is for?

Eric Renneisen
'90 CQ 20V  -  my 'racing-iron'  ;^)
Chattanooga, TN