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Audi Fest 98 (Pikes Peak) update

  Well, plans for the Audi Fest98 at Pikes Peak are really starting to
shape up and it is going to be bigger and better than ever.......

  Our very own Bruce Bell has arranged a track day for us all. On Sunday
the 5th of July, we will be invading Pueblo Motorsports Park. A very nice
road course that is an easy drive from Pies Peak and Colorado Springs. Cost
is going to be $75 per car for the track and you can drive all day long. 

  I have also started collecting money for tickets. The group purchase of
tickets is going to be placed on the 1st of June, so I must have money by
the end of May. Tickets for the hillclimb are going to be $22 each and Kids
12 and under are free. 

  There is also a block of rooms (15 I think) for us at the Sheraton in
Colorado Springs. Last I heard they were filling up fast too. 

 Lastly, there is a while other list that is dedicated to the planning,
discussion and other misc. questions comments, etc about the event. If you
wan to subscribe (count on 2-10 messages a day), send mail to:


and write "subscribe Audifest98" in the body of your massage

AFTER you have subscribed, list submissions can be sent to:


  Hope to see you there!

Laters, Ben