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repeated jump starting

it seems that i've had to jump my car more times than seems acceptable
lately.  even last summer there seemed to be a problem.  i did not have
to ever jump it in the winter.  now that it is getting warmer again here
in boston, i've noticed that my starts have been getting weaker, and
finally tonight it was necessary to jump the car again.  the alternator
is new, as is the battery, and i've been told that the electrical system
is fine.  my question is this:  i think the after-run fan is draining an
undue amount of power from my battery, and my short drives to work and
back do not provide sufficient time to recharge the battery fully.  is
there a way to stop the after-run effect of the fan and have it run only
when the engine is running?  has anyone else suffered this problem and
tried this rememedy?  thanks.
dan lefebvre
boston university
86 5kcst 188,000 miles