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Re: The continuing saga

DOUBLDz wrote:
> First, I want to thank everyone for the very nice welcome and the wonderful
> advice.
> I received no less than 30 emails (some were long too!) detailing what I
> should do. The easiest thing to act on immmediately was the batteries and as
> some of you know, I did replace all 4 at Radio Shack for $11.55. The thing
> that really makes me angry about this is not that the dealer charges a
> whopping 8 bucks each for them, I'd expect that, but rather the fact that he
> told me I didn't need them in the first place because I was asking HIM to
> replace them! If he didn't want to replace them,
> I wish he would have just said so instead of lying to me. Well, a very good
> lesson was learned. Now I know exactly what I'm dealing with.
It's good to learn this right away, instead of putting up with crappy
service and broken bits for years!

> The second thing was the maintenance record. I called him again on that and
> the second he heard my voice, he said he mailed it yesterday. Thats what he
> told me last week and I told him this. He said sorry they were really busy
> last week, but its really in the mail now. I would have gone down there and
> stormed the place, but now with it SUPPOSEDLY in the mail, I guess I have to
> wait again. I mentioned to him that I was really EAGER to see it because I was
> getting bad gas mileage and I thought it was possible that it didn't have the
> 30K service as I got it at 31K and thought perhaps the previous owner skipped
> this service because they knew they were selling the car. He said no, it had
> all the service (like I really beleive that!)
Here's a trick that worked very well for my mother:  call him up EVERY
DAY and ask if he's got it, why isn't it here yet, when will it be here,
'if you sent it 6 days ago it should have been here yesterday,
really...' etc...
Soon he'll get sick of hearing from you and send it!  :)
BTW this worked for a number of things for my mother.

> Now get ready for this: He admitted that I should be getting way better than
> 14 mpg and asked what kind of gas I was using. I said supreme, he said thats
> your problem you should be using regular!!!!! ??????? The manual clearly
> states that I should be using no less than 91 octane gas and to only use 87
> octane in an emergency. So once again he is contradicting what the Audi manual
> is telling me. Oh, he also said emphatically to only use Mobil gasoline, no
> other kind, just Mobil.
This sounds like a load of crap to me.  I've been using Chevron Supreme
(93 octane) since day one.  I would recommend 93 octane.  I used Chevron
Plus once by accident (89 or 91 octane, can't remember) and the engine
didn't like it as well!
I've heard good things about Mobil, but do you have Chevron gas where
you are?  If so, try some.  You might also try adding a can of Techron
at your next fill-up and see if that helps.

> So here is where I stand: I will continue to use supreme until I hear
> otherwise from the list. I will give the US Postal Service until Wednesday to
> deliver the maintenance record and if not I will make an appointment with the
> Sales Manager and go up there and discuss all of this with him personally. (I
> probably should just show up but I'm sort of worried about driving all that
> way and then finding that he is not there, what do you think?)
See comments above

Where am I going, and why am I in this handbasket?
	--Seen on a bumper sticker

Christos Anesti!

> Thanks again for your unfailing support!
> Dee
> 95 A6q pearl (ahhhhh!)
> PS Andrew: what are hairy green toads from Mars all about?
> Unka Bart: where can I get some of those meds? I think I need them
> Dereh: email me...I found this nail polish color that looks just like
> pearlescent white