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Re: WTB: non running '84 4kq

> Eric Maxon <emaxon@megsinet.net>
> The more misspelled words and mis/dis-information you find in
> the ad, the more likely you've found someone who hasn't the faintest
> idea what they're selling.  

True.  The ad for the '85 4ksq I bought didn't even say quattro.  I
think it said 4000 S4 or something.  I had to call and ask.
> You'd be amazed at the number of Audi's (mainly 84-7 4000 and 5000 fwd
> cars, but a quattro now and then) that show up in the U-Pull junk yards
> here that look perfect and show no immediately apparent signs of WHY
> they were junked.

People get discouraged, and/or don't have the q-list.
> BEWARE, however, that any $1000 (or less) 4000q/sq/csq you buy WILL (not
> might) end up being at least a $3000 car, even if you already have a
> motor to drop in, and do all the work yourself.  (I'm up to about $1000
> in parts already on my '85 in 2 months @ wholesale prices,
> and still have MANY minor repairs to make)

No turning back now!  I am inspired!

Ken (looking for a Phoenix, AZ shop to repair my cracking firewall, any