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Maintenance Tips- WOT, ECU Codes
Hi Everyone,
Did some checking on my 200T's systems this weekend, this might help
WOT Switch. ( Wide Open Throttle / Idle Switch)
Symptoms: ECU would not reset after hard drive with new chip (sensed
knock and retarded).
Found the WOT switch faulty with a typical problem. The contacts were
fine, had them all cleaned up but even when the contacts were closed,
there was no connection. ??
Problem: The contact developed a bad contact onto the copper.
Solution: Carefully solder the back of the contact onto the copper
support. Be careful of not burning the outer plastic case of the
switch! Easy and will last if done well.
Standard microswitch, unsolder and replace if faulty.
How to open the WOT switch?
Carefully push a thin bladed screwdriver into the join between the
two halves. They are glued toghether and once you have cracked the
glue, the top unclips from the bottom. Four clips. replacing is done
by clipping back and applying some Dow corning RTV around the seal.
ECU Codes
A list of ECU codes from various people on the list. Suggest you
check and update for completeness. Not too sure which codes apply to which cars??
Please fill in the gaps if you can.
Here goes.
0000 - (15 sec no light)- End of fault.
1111 - Control unit , replace
1231 - Trans. speed sender
2111 - RPM Sender
2112 - Timing Sender
2113 - No speed signal from Distributor - Check Hall sensor
2114 -
2115 -
2121 - Idle switch
2122 - Engine speed signal.
2123 - Full Throttle switch.
2131 - data wiring reference (Calif.)
2141 - Knock control at max retard.
2142 - Knock sensor Chk cabling
2214 - Over revved
2221 - Vacuum hose to ECU
2222 - Pressure sensor faulty.
2223 - Altimeter sense
2224 - Excess boost, Check WG, Pressure tubing
2231 - Idle stab. speed limit exceeded.
2232 - Airflow sensor potentiometer.
2233 - Airflow sensor reference voltage.
2312 - Coolant temp. sensor.
2322 - Air Intake sensor. (Intercooler)
2341 - Lambda sensor control limit
2342 - Lambda sensor control (no signal)
2343 - Rich limit
2344 - Lean limit
2411 - EGR system
4431 - Idle speed stabilizer.
4444 - No Faults recognized.
EASY ACCESS to codes.
Wire a switch from a blown fuse to a push button on the steering
console (lots of space between switches). Push blown fuze into top of
fuel pump relay, Or wire from connectors in other system.
Push button when < 2000 rpm, and check codes on the run! (Check Scott
Mo's site for more info)
BETTER PULLOFF from start.
An easy way to improve the "dog" response from pulloff is by
advancing the timing low down in your timing map. (low rpm, low
boost), believe me,you can feel a 2 degree difference.
HTH someone out there. Any improvements will be appreciated .
Renier Meyer
89 200T Durban South Africa.