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Re: Fwd: Quattro Truth

>It's funny you sent me that e-mail about the torsen creator.  I just found
>some evidence that torsen was never used in Audi racing.  The 90, V8 ETC, and
What "evidence"?
>even the A4 never used it.  In fact, drivers flat out refused to drive it,
>even Stuck and Rohrl.  I have no idea what they used, but it wasn't torsen.
I notice no actual quotes, and certainly no footnotes or other forms of
Even if you did provide "proof", who cares?  If S&R told you the moon is
made out of cheese, would you believe it?  Some race driver's
I-know-better-than-the-world opinion isn't the word of god.  Start thinking
for yourself.  The uneducated believe everything they're told; the educated
challenge it and read up on it.

>Torsen sucks as a performance feature.  It is an impossible system, with the
Please define these complicated technical terms like "sucks" and
"impossible."  Please also use better English.

>ever present danger of incorrect torque split.

>How Audi can use it is beyond me.
Apparently so.

>It's great for consumer cars, ONLY.
Hmm.  This would be why it is offered as a "Performance option" in most
Porsche models?  I believe the C4(AWD) has torsens; at $+100,000, and
undisputably a performance car....?

>And the only other system Audi used was open diff, which only works when the
>center is locked, and thus it is 4wd, not AWD.
Ok, the next time you're in an Audi, look for that secret floor shifter
we've all been hiding...and actually, the early Audi systems could lock
center or rear or both.

>In light of what you and I have found, maybe it's time to realize that Audi
Oh, and what exactly did you find?  All I hear is a bunch of baseless and
uneducated claims about a system you don't understand and have probably
never used.

>hasn't done great things with AWD at all.  Maybe they offered an affordable
Hmm...that' why there's been at least 3 "generations" of Quattro systems?

>system for a family sedan type deal, but it is not high performance.

Not quite...Audi has the high performance family sedan type deal.  Ask any
200q or S car owner.
And back in the 5000 days, the quattro system was a $+5000 option.  Not
very "affordable" at 1/6th the value of an already expensive car.

Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.