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Re: StonGard anyone?

>Any list wisdom on StonGard, particularly on cars that already have some
>StonGard, for those that don't know, produces a custom-cut clear
>urethane (I think) mask that is installed on the front bumper, the
>leading edge of the hood, etc.  It is clear, and, on the installations
>I've seen, fairly difficult to detect.
>My Audi is the first dark colored car that I've owned, and the winter
>gravel spray has left behind a depressing number of little
>primer-colored pits.
I saw a Pearl 5000 that had this on the front lip of the hood.  Was, upon
getting within 10-15ft of the car, very visible; it was a different
shade(apparently the plastic had aged and darkened.)


Brett Dikeman
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Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.