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RE: The Hall Effect
> Umm, good try, and maybe more appropriate than the right answer...
> The Hall effect is what happens when you move a magnet past a properly
> aligned electrical coil- you get a voltage at the
> terminals of the coil.
... you should check to get your facts straight before posting to a bunch of
nerds ... :-)
What you are describing is simply the effect that occurs when a moving
magnetic field crosses loops of wire ... basic electromagnetics ... but not
the Hall Effect. The Hall Effect involves deflection of a current in a
conductor in the presence of a magnetic field. The cool thing about the
Hall Effect is that the deflection occurs even if the magnet is stationary.
Most sensing devices that make use of the Hall Effect use semiconductor
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
... and you can bet that I checked Halliday & Resnick before posting this
one ... ;-)