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Re: The Hall Effect
>Be> Since my '90v8 is under warranty I'll definitely have them check out
>Be> the Hall Sender. (BTW what is a hall sender?)
> I believe the true nature of the name "Hall Sender" comes
> from the movie the "Paper Chase", (remember the mysterious
> law student who screams in the hall but is never seen) which
> is similar to the reaction of Audi owners who run into the
> hall to scream when they find out that you can't buy just
> the $25 "hall sender" but have to buy the whole distributor
> for $280.
Umm, good try, and maybe more appropriate than the right answer...
The Hall effect is what happens when you move a magnet past a properly aligned electrical coil- you get a voltage at the
terminals of the coil. Now if that magnet is attached to a rotating shaft, you can measure the speed of the shaft
rotation by the frequency of the electrical pulses from the coil.
Umm...not really, it's more of a second-order effect, typically using
solid-state sensors (not "coils" -- that's just straight "EMI"), and
it gets really hairy from there!). Check out:
for a reasonably straight-forward explanation...