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RE: Rear proportioning valve prollems

>> Could your wheel be binding due to your e-brake cable being too taught
>> when the car is lifted?
>There aren't any cables on it, that's another part I'm in the middle of
>replacing.  The old rusty cables are in a pile with the old trans &
>diff...  Just the wheel all by itself...  Thanks for the info Don!
Doesn't matter; I cooked one of my rotors because the spring/ lever that
the little ball on the cable hooks into froze, clamping the caliper shut.
Pry the lever all the way out to its resting position and try it again.

We always assumed the problem was the cable...it wasn't.  Lousy design on
the part of the caliper manufacturer; after 130k miles it just rusted up
and froze.


Brett Dikeman
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