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Re: Luis Marques' driving... (some pics from the event)

If I wasn't at 80, I was really close--

Eric, you are correct in describing the mods I've done to my car. The way I
would 'attack' the slalom was to get up to about 60-65 at the start, and
accelerate in third gear to the end. The chipped turbo pulls hard in third up
to redline.

The run that was 80 (or close) was out of control. The car was sideways,
pitching thru the last 2 cones. I thought that was good enough and went on
track and spun on the last lap. I tried to repeat the 80mph run, but I was a
little gun-shy.

The front bar is 30# stiffer than stock, and I had the rear bar on the stiffest
setting at 50#. The R1 is an incredible tire. Had others run the race tires,
more people would be at the 75-80 mph mark. I think I was running 37# front and
35# rear pressures. This was cold readings. After the tires were hot, I let a
little air out.

btw, I have a few pages describing the mods I've done on my A4tq--
I'll have some pics of the event soon.

and Don Pavlik has added some images
( http://donp.home.texas.net -- homepage)
Its a little A4 biased, but still interesting.
My dirt filled car is in there somewhere.

Eric Fluhr wrote:
> The slalom course consists of 7 cones spaced 100ft apart (thanks
> Rick).  Jason said he was topping out at 80mph.  Jason's car is a '97
> A4 1.8tq with Addco front & rear sway bars and BFG R1's (225/50?) on
> the 5-spoke A4 16x7 rims....

> Luis & Jason, feel free to chime in here if I have anything wrong.

Luis Marques wrote:
>Given that Jason had some good sway bars and R1's on his A4, I do believe he
>was capable of going at least 75 mph.
