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Torsen in Racing
In message <4535591107051998/A10241/CSAV05/11C53AFB2300*@MHS> Dave Eaton writes:
> the evoluton model, the s1, the drivers liked a *lot* more. it had a number of
> tweaks, notably aerodynamics and weight re-distribution that improved it
> considerably. it could now take the jumps that the sport couldn't. it is now
> also apparent that the s1 also had the option of the torsen.
It's hard to imagine the Sport and the S1 as related in any other way
than the big brown Audi logo on the bonnet.
The Sport is essentially an ur-quattro with 23cm(?) chopped out of it
and the wings/fenders replaced by Kevlar.
But the S1 is a tubular space frame - I doubt it has one bodywork
component in common with the Sport. The skin is around the same
stiffness as a breakfast cereal box.
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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