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Re: Between a rock & a hard place (long)

At 2:08 AM -0400 5/7/98, Huw Powell wrote:
>> and besides, no one can REALLY prove the greenhouse
>> effect.  I mean come on, how do you go about telling the planet is really
>> heating up because of CFCs if they have only been studying for the last 50
>> years or so.

Just some background:

One of the things I did while in college was slice up ice cores.  Ice cores
contain trapped are bubbles for thousands of years, I believe as much as
30,000 years.

Much of the data about global warming comes from this (and other sources),
and it generally accepted in the scientific community, although not by the
public at large.  Many, many people find it hard to believe that it is
possible for humans to impact such a large system as the atmosphere, but
the studies to show a temperature increase over the last 100 years or so.

As for the CFC recovery problems, as much I as _really_ hate to say
this.... if worse comes to worse, you can always open the valve yourself.
This is _only_ a last resort, of course, and your system will still have to
be vacumed.

'90 CQ