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Re: Between a rock & a hard place (long)

-----Original Message-----
From: Huw Powell <human@nh.ultranet.com>
To: Rob Andrews <rob@smu.edu>; quattro group <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Thursday, May 07, 1998 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: Between a rock & a hard place (long)

>> and besides, no one can REALLY prove the greenhouse
>> effect.  I mean come on, how do you go about telling the planet is really
>> heating up because of CFCs if they have only been studying for the last
>> years or so.
>CFC's are (theoretically) damaging the ozone layer, allowing more
>ultraviolet light to the planet's surface.  The greenhouse effect is
>(theoretically) caused by gases (co2, methane, etc) that pass the sun's
>visible energy through but are opaque to the re-radiated infrared.
>two completely different problems.
True...but my point was theoretically.  I am all for the planet, but you
can't make claims this is damaging the ozone layer until you have studied it
longer.  Just my opinion....

>Huw Powell