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RE: Who makes Audi's CD-changer magazines?
Geoff Jenkins wrote:
>I'd like to get a second (or third...) CD-changer magazine for the S4, but
>the dealer wants a comical $90, ...
>So, does anyone know what (if
>any) non-Audi part would be comparable to the CD magazine for a 94 S4 (the
>shares the same CD changer), Audi p/n: 4A5-035-210?
The most recent Audi CD-changers (1998 model yrs) are made by Panasonic.
The older ones by Alpine. Not sure about your model year (may be Alpine
but maybe they changed to them after '94). But the solution is pretty
simple, take your cassette into a local Auto Stereo specialty store and
ask them if they have a match. Probably 90% chance they will. If it's
the Alpine unit, it should cost you between $25 and $30 (I got one for
$26.95 incl some 'discount').
-Mark Quinn