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RE: An end to the T**son thread - Beginning of another??

when the O word comes up, I look no farther than

They don't sell anything that a consumer buys directly, so the BS count
is pretty low.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	quinn@hns.com [SMTP:quinn@hns.com]
> Sent:	Friday, May 08, 1998 2:48 PM
> To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Cc:	quinn@hns.com
> Subject:	An end to the T**son thread - Beginning of another??
> To get everyone's mind off the now defunct (I hope) arachnid bites
> etc.,
> I thought I might start up another old gem ... you guessed it ... OIL!
> The following is Patrick Bedard's column from May's Car & Drivel/r.
> But don't call me to respond ... I'll call you...