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Re: 4k gas mileage

I got my dad's old 82 4K with the diecel and he kept a gas record up to 129k
miles when the speedo broke. He got on 50MPG on some long trips. Most trip
mileage was in the 40's. He was so prode of car that could get such high gas
milage and ride and handle well. The most miles for a tank was over 700 miles.
It still gets above 30 miles to the gal going back and forth to work. It does
however have 300k and it take a quart of oil about every 100 mile...using some
of it and leaking the rest.

A little interesting history of the car and its driver.(My Dad)
He worked as an EE with TVA for all of his life as a Substation E  except for
about two years when he worked for a joint testing from a lot of Power
companys and TVA that tested Electrical Cars. One of the Cars did the most
with was a VW bus. He went to the factory about a year before he bought the
Audi. Since they tested the Vans not only on the test tracks but real world he
drove a van car pool back and forth to work every day about 20 mile each way.
We had a recharging station in our basement. We would ride in the Van on the
weekends. Kind of rare for back in 80 and 81. The Electrical car works great
but the Battery Technology just is not there yet. He went back to the
substation work because of diagreements with his boss.

I have parked the car for the time being untill I can get the 90 Amp
Alternator repaired of replaced. Any ideas for the cheapest fix?