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V8 starter

My starter's starting to go bad on me (at 153k miles). Symptoms are a
terrible metallic noise more and more frequently (now up to once every
two weeks or so) when I go to start it up. Attempts to have it removed
and rebuilt locally (I'm an hour and a half from the nearest dealer,
whom I try to avoid anyway for all the reasons spread of record over the
years on this list) have resulted in my being told (by a very
accomodating mechanic who didn't charge me anything for lots of wasted
time) that he couldn't figure out how to remove it (the bolts apparently
didn't correspond to what he had in a book or microfiche), and I would
probably have to take it to the dealer.

Has anyone had occasion to remove the starter from a V8? Is it really
that difficult? Does anybody have a diagram or instructions that they
could send me?

Thanks in advance. I'll put my other current question in a separate

Dave Nelson
1990 V8 153000 miles