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One heck of a puzzle! Some questions
Well, I have been slowly working on removing the turbo from my ur-quattro. I
didn't realize what a puzzle this car is. I am finally about to actually get
the turbo off the car. Once I free up the exhaust enough to move it back an
inch or so I'll have the turbo in hand. Man, this sure isn't like working on
my Scirocco!
Exhaust manifold question. Now that I can see the manifold, where do I look
for cracks? I may as well figure this out because if I have to replace it then
I can forget about taking the car on my trip this summer.
I think taking the car on my trip is in jeapordy anyway. There is just so
much I have to do on the car that it is a little overwhelming to attempt to
get it done and road tested in the two months remaining. Plus it is clear I am
will not be able to stay within my self imposed budget.
On the motor mount front, the mounts Carlsen's sold me don't look as beefy as
the ones on the car. This is the part number for the mounts they sold me:
443 199 381J*. The mounting points alone are a thin metal where as the ones on
the car are a quarter inch thick. There was a lot of discussion on this a
while back.
I'm back to it. Thanks